The District IV 4-H Youth Development Program hosts several educational and competitive events through the year. You can find the link to those activities in the list below and can also be viewed by clicking on the Events Calendar tab at the top of this page. Pages will be updated as quickly as possible. Please make sure you are viewing current year information before signing up for something. If you have questions, first try calling or emailing your local County Extension Agent for more information. You can find contact information for all of the County Extension offices across the state at this page:
2024-2025 District-IV-Events-Calendar – Dates and locations may be subject to change. Please visit the event links below for final event details (as they are updated).
- 2024-2025 Ag Product ID Contest Memo
- 2024-2025 Consumer Decision Making Contest Memo
- 2024-2025 Entomology Contest Memo
- 2024-2025 Dairy Judging Contest Memo
- 2024-2025 Duds to Dazzle Contest Memo
- 2024-2025 Educational Presentations and Public Speaking Contest Memos
- 2024-2025 Fashion Show Contest Memo
- 2024-2025 FCH Quiz Bowl Contest Memo
- 2024-2025 Food Challenge Contest Memo
- 2024-2025 Junior and Intermediate Food Show Contest Memo
- 2024-2025 Senior Food Show Contest Memo
- 24-2025 Senior Food Show Contest Memo2024-2025 Healthy Lifestyles Invitational Contest Memo
- 2024-2025 Horse Judging Contest Memo
- 2024-2025 Horse Quiz Bowl Contest Memo
- 2024-2025 Leaders for Life Contest Memo
- 2024-2025 Livestock Judging Contest Memo
- 2024-2025 Livestock Skill-A-Thon Contest Memo
- 2024-2025 Livestock Quiz Bowl Contest Memo
- 2024-2025 Photography Contest Memo
- 2024-2025 Range and Pasture Grass ID Contest Memo
- 2024-2025 Recordbook Contest
- 2024-2025 District IV Shooting Sports Contest Memo
- 2024-2025 Storyboard Contest Memo
- 2024-2025 4-H Talent Showcase Contest Memo
- 2024-2025 Wildlife Challenge Contest Memo
Below are additional links to several state and national-level events and contests.
- Texas 4-H Roundup (offered every June)
- Texas 4-H Congress (offered in July on even years)
- Texas 4-H Dog Show
- Texas 4-H Horse Show
- National 4-H Congress
- One Day 4-H
- Texas 4-H Outdoor Challenge