Event Registration and Policies

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The District IV 4-H and Youth Development Program provides many events and activities for its 4-H members.  To learn more, click on the “Events Calendar” or “Event Page Links” tab at the top of the page.

District IV 4-H events are registered online through 4-H Connect.  All events have an entry registration deadline date.  A county agent, the 4-H coordinator, or an agent designee is responsible for insuring that each 4-H Connect entry is correct before confirming it at the county level.  Entries will show as “pending” until approved at the highest level.

County Extension Agents are responsible for policing qualifying entries at the county level.  The District Office, the event Judge, and/or the activity committee have the authority to question an entry and if validated, entries may be disqualified.


For all District IV contests, each member will compete in like conditions in his/her own age division, unless otherwise noted in the rules of a district contest.

The District 4-H office will not reimburse district-level contest/event registration fees once entries are confirmed on 4-H Connect at the county level.

Exceptions will include:
1. a personal or immediate family member medical emergency
2. a death in the family
3. the contest, event, or class (i.e., horse show roping class) is canceled by the district office

In such case, a request must be made in writing to the district 4-H specialist noting the registrant’s name, contest/event entered, and the reason for reimbursement.

Registrations will be confirmed at the district level as quickly as possible.  Once you submit your registration, your entry status will show “pending” until such time as both the county and district office confirms your registration.  If there are problems with your entry or payment, it will be returned to you for corrections at which time, you should receive notification from 4-H Connect (please make sure your Connect profile has a valid email address that you check routinely).  If your registration is sent back to you for corrections, you will not incur any new fees nor will entry be considered late. However, all registrations must be approved by the date of the contest/event.

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