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Horse Quiz Bowl

April 17, 2021

Horse Quiz Bowl

Covid-19 Disclaimer: At this time we are posting tentative dates and times of the District IV 4-H Spring Roundup Contest. We are working diligently to try and host these contests, but due to the ever-changing Covid-19 conditions, we will not be able to solidify these details until closer to the contest. Thank you in advance for your understanding and patience as we navigate these circumstances.

Date:                                    April 16, 2021 or April 17, 2021
(Exact date will be determined based on Covid-19 Guidelines, closer to the contest)

Location:                            Farmersville Baptist Church – Farmersville, Texas
(Due to Covid-19 Guidelines the location, date, and time are subject to change)

Check-In:                          TBA
Orientation:                     TBA
Contest:                            Begins following orientation


Registration. Each participating member is required to register on 4-H Online (https://texas.4honline.com) and pay the $12.00 registration fee. Registration will open on March 19, 2021 and close at midnight April 5, 2021.


Participation. Contestants must be active 4-H members enrolled in a Texas 4-H and Youth Development county program in District IV. Contestants must also be academically eligible (according to UIL rules) to compete on the day of the contest. A contestant may compete as an individual or as a member on a team.

Age. Age divisions are determined by a participant’s grade as of September 1 of the current 4-H year. Age divisions for this contest are:

Junior/Intermediate                Grades 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8
Senior                                          Grades 9, 10, 11, 12

Entries per County. Each county may enter unlimited teams/individuals per age division listed above. The top 3 senior teams and/or individuals (if they are not already on one of the top 3 teams) will advance to state.

Members per Team. Teams MUST consist of 4 members of the same age. Junior AND intermediates will be in the same age division in order to complete a team. Juniors and intermediates are not allowed to move up to the senior age division. Counties with multiple teams will designate teams the morning of the contest. However, ALL TEAMS must now be in multiples of 4 the day of the contest.

Suggested materials to bring for contest: Clipboard, blank paper and pencils. No calculators allowed.


Awards. 1st through 5th place individual and team awards in each age division will be presented.


Depending on Covid-19 restrictions, we may not be able to have a formal awards assembly. The winners will be announced via Facebook Live and posted on the District IV 4-H Facebook Page later that day/evening in the event we cannot hold them in person.


Participants with Disabilities. Any competitor who requires auxiliary aids or special accommodations must contact the District Extension Office or Denita Young at djyoung@ag.tamu.edu. or note when registering on 4-H Connect, at least 2 weeks before the competition to request such needs.


Contest Rules. District IV follows the rules set forth in the Texas 4-H Horse Quiz Bowl Guide.


CONTEST FORMAT: The Horse Quiz Bowls are played as a double elimination tournament with teams of four players going head-to-head for top honors. The contest will follow the rules and procedures listed in the 2021 Texas 4-H Quiz Bowl Guide, which can be downloaded at: http://texas4-h.tamu.edu/wp-content/uploads/quiz_bowl_rules_19_20.pdf. One coach for each team will be allowed into contest area with judging participants. NO CELL PHONES, TABLETS, COMPUTERS, or NOTE TAKING WILL BE ALLOWED in the contest area. Failure to adhere to this policy will be grounds for disqualification for your team. Spectators and teams that have been eliminated will be allowed into the contest area during the final round ONLY. All rules of the official Texas 4-H Quiz Bowl Guide will be adhered to. Brackets will be established prior to the contest, with teams being drawn randomly. Moderators will read the answer to incorrectly answered questions. Teams and coaches will stay in the orientation area, unless competing, until eliminated from the contest.

Texas 4-H Website for Horse Quiz Bowl: https://texas4-h.tamu.edu/projects/horse/Beyond the information found in the study guide, members are encouraged to research

Video Tips
• Demonstration of contest Procedures – Part 1

Contest Superintendents. Questions regarding the District IV 4-H Horse Quiz Bowl directed to Sarah Brod at sbrod@agnet.tamu.edu

This program will follow any directives by the local/county health officials, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service policies, and State requirements in effect at the time of the event as it relates to COVID-19. Participation in this event REQUIRES any attendee to follow those procedures to attend the event. This includes wearing face coverings, social distancing, any other preventative measures mandated or required by this program. Please bring a mask or appropriate face covering with you.


April 17, 2021


District IV 4-H